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Search in KBR's digitised newspapers

The portal BelgicaPress gives you access to Belgian newspapers referred to as "major newspapers", most of which appeared daily (-).

The priority period extends from the Belgian Revolution and the creation of independent Belgium (1830) to 1950, including most of the newspapers published under German censorship during the First and Second World Wars. The selection of digitised titles was based on a concern for geographical, philosophical, ideological and linguistic representativeness. Some projects carried out in partnership have also made it possible to add titles from the end of the French period (1814-1815) and the Dutch period (1815-1830) to the initial corpusOP. Only one title - the Brussels daily Le Soir - was digitised up to 1970.

Thanks to the OCR (Optical Character Recognition) process, you can perform a full-text search in pages preserved in the Newspapers and Contemporary Media Department of KBR.

Note: to search the periodicals collection, please visit www.belgicaperiodicals.be.

Unlimited access for scientific research or illustration for teaching

Titles that have been published up to 1918 are freely accessible. The same goes for the titles subject to copyright for which KBR has the consent of the right holders.

Remote access to the entire digitised corpus – without any restrictions – is only possible for scientific research or illustration for teaching. For this, please log in with your MyKBR account.

You also have unrestricted access on KBR's premises and through the networks of universities, colleges and research centres that have requested it.

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